General terms and conditions

The present website ( and all the images, videos, program code and related information in the pattern of contents (referred to as the “Site” or “the Site”) are property of “Leather 2014” SP LTD, with Uniform Identification Code: 203104248, with head office and registered address in the town of Gabrovo, 1, “Uspeh” Str.

The objective of the present general terms and conditions is to establish the relations between “Leather 2014” SP LTD (referred to as “Salesperson”) and all the physical persons and legal entities (referred to as “Clients”), who would like to purchase products offered online by the Website.

I General terms and conditions

1.1 Information required by the Consumer Protection Act, the Electronic Trading Act and the Directives of the European Union on selling products online

Commercial appellation of the Salesperson: "Leather 2014" SP LTD

Head office and registered address: town of Gabrovo, 1, “Uspeh” Str.

Uniform Identification Code: 203104248

Bodies that exercise control and provide consumer protection:

Commission for Personal Data Protection

Address: Sofia 1592, 2, “Professor Tsvetan Lazarov” Boul., 

Tel.: (02) 940 20 46

Fax: (02) 940 36 40



Commission for Consumer Protection 

Address: 1000 city of Sofia, 4A, “Slaveykov” Square, floor 3, 4 and 6, 

Tel.: 02 / 980 25 24 

Fax: 02 / 988 42 18 

Hotline: 0700 111 22 


In the case of dispute related to an online purchase, you could use the website Online Dispute Resolution.

1.2. The Website is accessible at the online address and via it the Clients could purchase and receive services related to delivering products which are offered at the Website.

1.3. Via the Website, the Clients could receive information about new products, their characteristics, prices, delivery terms and conditions and the promotions organized by the Salesperson.

1.4. The Salesperson should deliver the products ordered by the Clients within the statutory frameworks while ensuring Consumers’ rights, fully adhering to the best practices in consumer and commercial law.

1.5. The Salesperson uses services rendered by third parties, in the particular case courier company “Ekont Express” LTD, for the delivery of the products purchased from the Website to the Clients. The delivery price is defined individually and explicitly according to commodities’ price, whereas during the process of ordering the products, the Clients are provided with information about the amount of the delivery sum that is to be paid to the courier company.

II Order, delivery and documents necessary for placing the order

2.1. In order to place an order for products offered by the Website, each and every Client selects the model, size and quantity of the products he/she would like to order. Then he/she enters his/her data, defines whether he/she would like to have an invoice issued, and enters address for delivering the ordered products.

2.2. When placing the order, the Client should agree with the present general terms and conditions. In the case of not agreeing with them, it would not be possible to finalize the process of ordering products. With his/her consent to conform to the present General terms and conditions, the Client confirms that he/she reviewed them, agrees with their contents and undertakes to conform them.

2.3. When filling in the data about ordering products, the Client undertakes to enter precise, up-to-date and accurate data for delivery – names, address, manners for getting in touch. In the case of providing inaccurate or false data, the latter could lose his or her right to receive the product.

2.4. The e-mail address and the telephone provided by the Client during the order placement would be used as main communication channel and exchange of electronic documents between the Salesperson and the Client.

2.5. Each and every Client could modify the details about the placed order only if he/she declares this via an electronic communication or a telephone call, of those provided during the order placement. Applications for order modification that were made in manners different from the provided contact manners (e-mail address or telephone) during the order placement would not be accepted.

2.6. After effecting the particular data entry, the Client should send the order to be performed by the Salesperson. After confirming the order, the Client would receive at the email address defined in advance information about the order placed by him/her. 

2.7. The ordered items would be delivered while using the services rendered by the courier company Ekont Express LTD.

2.8. The ordered items would be delivered within 3 to 10 business days.

2.9. If the Salesperson could not perform a particular order, because of the fact that it does not have the ordered commodities in its warehouse, it should inform the Client to this end.

III Consumers’ protection

3.1. All terms, conditions and provisions of the present section, as well as the general terms and conditions are enforceable only towards physical persons or legal entities in view of whom/which we could conclude that these are consumers under the Consumers Protection Act, the Electronic Trading Act and/or Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 25th of October 2011.

3.2. The main product characteristics being offered via the Website are described at the page of the particular product.

3.3. The price of the products announced at the Website are final, declared in BGN including VAT and all other statutory taxes and fees.

3.4. The defined prices and promotional campaigns at the Website are valid only in the case of orders placed online and are not in effect for the physical stores with the “Cavalier” and “Gracia” trademarks.  

3.5. The amount of the postal and courier costs for delivery of the products are not included in the price for the products announced at the particular website, but would be additionally charged. Their amount is provided as information while placing the order, before sending it for processing to the Salesperson. The Client could review it while preparing the order, and before sending a particular order to be processed by the Salesperson all costs are being visualized for him/her that he/she is supposed to incur, in order to receive the products being the subject matter of his/her order.

3.6. The information with which the Clients are being provided, is up-to-date at the time of its visualization at the Website, before and during the order placement.

3.7. The Salesperson defines as a rule the terms and conditions for delivery of the individual products at the Website.

IV Commodity refusal

4.1. The Client has the right to give up on the ordered commodities in a term of 14 days as of receiving the commodity in the case it was not used, the integrity of its package was not violated and it is in the kind in which it was received, in conformity with the terms and conditions under article 55 of the Consumers Protection Act.

4.2. In the case of establishing a defective product in 24-hours’ time as of its reception and if the commercial appearance of the commodity and the package was not violated, the Salesperson undertakes to replace it with a new one, according to the warranty terms and conditions of the particular company-producer or recover the value of the commodity paid by the client, according to article 55 of the Consumers Protection Act, as of the date on which the client exercised its refusal right. After the expiration of this term or if the commercial appearance or commodity package is violated, the costs for commodity repairs should be borne by the client. 

4.3. The transport and other costs for receiving the commodity are on Client’s account. In the case the commodity is nonconforming with the characteristics defined at the website, the Supplier reimburses the whole sum payed by the consumer, including the transport costs paid by the client for acquiring the commodity under article 59 paragraph 3 of the Consumers Protection Act and in term of 14 days as of receiving the commodity and if the commercial appearance of the commodity and the package was not violated.

4.4. The products could be returned solely to the address in the town of Gabrovo, 1, “Uspeh” Str.

4.5. The transport costs for returning the commodity are on client’s account. 

4.6. The Client undertakes to store the received product with due care, store the original package throughout the effective warranty term and the period during which it is possible to return the commodity.

V Miscellaneous

5.1. The Salesperson delivers and submits the commodity to the Client within the defined terms.

5.2. The Client should inspect all the products contained in the delivery, at the time of receiving it. If one or several of the products are not in conformity with the requirements and the technical characteristics, he/she should immediately inform the Salesperson.

5.3. The Salesperson ensures and undertakes measures for Client’s personal data protection under the Personal Data Protection Act.

5.4. The Client agrees for the Salesperson to be processing his/her personal data only for the purposes of the placed order. The Salesperson does not have the right to provide third parties with these data, without some order made by a competent body of the Republic of Bulgaria.

5.5. The Client while placing the order at the Website, agrees to be receiving commercial communications from the Salesperson for future marketing purposes and campaigns, while declaring for the latter these electronic communications stating he/she would not be treating them as unsolicited commercial communications under the Consumers Protection Act and the Electronic Trading Act.

5.6. The present general terms and conditions are permanently visible at the following Website and could be modified by the Salesperson without notification.

5.7. The possible invalidity of some provision of the present general terms and conditions would not result in order invalidity, concerning the orders placed by the Client.

5.8. In view of the issues not settled in the present general terms and conditions concerning the performance and interpretation of the terms and conditions for placing orders at the Website, both parties should firstly refer the matter to the Mediation Court to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Bulgaria, and then to the Commission for Consumer Protection. In the case of not arriving to consent before the Mediation Court, the enforceable laws are the ones of the Republic of Bulgaria via the particular competent body at Salesperson’s address and head office.